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Questions and Answers

My salary and Paycheck

Each 15th of the month following that during which you have worked.

The Paycheck
The paycheck will be available each 15th of the month, you can find it in the HR Portal (you received the credential before you got hired) here the link: https://saas.hrzucchetti.it/hrpzs12/jsp/login.jsp

*The paycheck is referred to the previous worked month. E.g. the 15th of June you will receive the payment of May

Can’t access to the HR portal
You just need to send a ticket. On the Scoober App select “Profile” > “Contact Form” > enter your request.”

I didn't get my salary

I did not get my salary, why?
Check your email, maybe you have received an email from the payroll team because you IBAN is not correct.

Overtime payments / Public holiday

Do i get a bonus if I work on Sunday?
No, according to our CCNL you only get a bonus if you work on public holidays (Easter No, the supplementary company agreement of 29 March 2021 does not provide the increase for the days worked on Sundays, but only during holidays (the so-called “calendar reds”). If the holiday falls on a Sunday (except for Easter), the holiday surcharge is applied. The payment of the public holiday is increased by 10%.

What is the difference between additional worked hours and overtime?
Additional work: hours worked in addition to the hours specified in your employment contract up to 39h per week.
Overtime: hours worked over 39 hours per week.

If I work on public holidays and I work extra hours (overtime), do I get both bonuses?
In that case, the surcharge relating to public holiday overtime will be applied.
Additional worked hours on holiday: 10% + 10% = 20%
Overtime holidays: 10% + 30% = 40%

Job Bonus

How do you calculate the Job Bonus in my paycheck?
0,25Euro per each order delivered for the first 250 orders delivered in the month, 0,50 euro per each order delivered after the first 250 orders in the month (gross).

KM refund

How is the KM refund calculated?
The km that are calculated and reimbursed are those of the route proposed by the Scoober App to reach the restaurant and the customer. In the event that the courier travels a different route, the km reimbursed will be the ones counted by the app.

Why there is a difference between the km I actually traveled and the reimbursement I see in my paycheck?
Some orders are canceled by the customer. This is a very small percentage, but when this occurs, the KM traveled cannot technically be counted and therefore refunded. Our IT department is working to find a solution to the problem, we will keep you informed of any news on this problem. In the meantime, we are in dialogue with national trade unions to reach an agreement that allows for a flat-rate reimbursement of the kilometers traveled at the disposal of the company and not reimbursed. We will take care to inform you if an agreement is reached. The km traveled by you between one order and another are not counted and refunded. For this reason, trips such as the return to the starting point are recommended but not mandatory. We also remind you that, as specified by the trade union company agreement, the shift ends at the time indicated on the Scoober App. The kilometers traveled after the end of the shift are not counted for the purpose of reimbursement.

Why does the APP count my KM differently from those I actually travel, even though I travel the route recommended by the app itself?
Geolocation and navigation systems can sometimes have inaccuracies. In most cases, these inaccuracies are quantitatively insignificant, and may be in excess or in defect. Our IT department works constantly to improve the accuracy of the KM calculation of the proposed routes.

Captain: Why don’t you reimburse me for the KM traveled to do the coaching?
At the moment, only the kilometers related to orders actually delivered can be calculated for the purpose of reimbursement. The allowance for the role of Captain is also partly conceived to cover the missed mileage reimbursement during the Coaching activity.

How do I know the amount of vacations hours I have?

How do i know the amount of vacation hours that i have?
At the end of your paycheck you can see the numbers of vacation hours and the amount of hours of leave that you have.

Why do I have paid leaver not required by me?

Why do i have paid leave not required by me? Are they affecting the holidays?
The “Paid leaves” in your paycheck are referring to hours not planned to work, these are still paid in order to achieve your contract mix. These hours will not affect your holiday amount.

Family allowance

How can i get the family allowance?
Since 2018 the procedure to get the family allowance has to be performed online on the INPS portal. Access to you INPS account or go to a CAF to receive support.

Change IBAN

How can i change my IBAN?
Please send a ticket via Scoober App: “Profile” > “contact form” > category: “documents” > subcategory: “change personal data” by the end of the month.”

Updated on August 4, 2023

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