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Coronavirus General information


What can I do to guarantee my own safety and the safety of other drivers?
Please wash your hands often and thoroughly with water and soap. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and face. Develop protective habits instead: ring the bell with your knuckles instead of with your fingertips. Use the disinfectant gel for your hands and keep the minimum distance of 1.5 metres between yourself and others. Clean your equipment regularly and thoroughly.

How can you guarantee my safety in the hub?
Please try to always maintain at least 1.5 metres distance between yourself and others. We also have ordered disinfectant gels that will be handed out in the hubs. You can find instructions for using the hand gel in the Hub or on the bottle itself. Your backpack and bike should be disinfected after each shift. Wash your hands regularly and properly and follow the washing instructions posted in the Hub. Please also use the restaurant’s bathrooms whenever possible to wash your hands with soap and water. We have sent a reminder to the restaurants that they must allow you to use their bathrooms.

During my shift - Contactless

What does contactless delivery mean?
Contactless delivery means there is no physical contact between you and customers. We recommend contactless delivery for online paid orders. To make sure you stay safe, we have a dedicated process in place: place the delivery bag close to the customer’s door, ring the door bell, step at least 1.5 metres away, ask the customer to retrieve their order from your delivery bag, and wait until they close the door.

What should I do when a restaurant employee doesn’t keep 1.5 metres of distance?
Kindly remind the employee that due to the Coronavirus, it’s important to keep plenty of distance from each other. You can also wait outside the restaurant until the order is ready.

What should I do when a restaurant employee doesn’t keep 1.5 metres of distance and wants to hand over the customer order, meaning that we touch hands?
Kindly remind the employee that due to the Coronavirus, touching hands isn’t a good idea. Ask the employee to place the order on a table or counter, and only retrieve the order after the employee has stepped away.

What should I do when a restaurant employee doesn’t give me the order in a paper bag?
Kindly ask the employee to put the order into a paper bag. Then, place the paper bag into your delivery backpack. For pizza boxes, a bag is not required.

During my shift - General

Is it still safe for me to work?
We have evaluated the situation and decided that it is safe enough for you to work. We have introduced contactless delivery and pickup policies to protect you while working, which have been communicated via email.

Is there a way to receive cashless tips?
We are working on ways to provide cashless tips. The customer can also put the tip on the floor for you to retrieve after they close the door. Please remember to keep at least 1.5 metres of distance from customers.

Should I have a document with permission to justify travel to/from/during work?
No this is not necessary.

Will restaurants have disinfectants available?
That is internal restaurant policy, so unfortunately we cannot confirm if restaurants will have disinfectants available. We have implemented contactless order pick up in restaurants and will send out a communication to all restaurants asking that they give you access to handwashing facilities.

Am I allowed to wear a face mask during my shift?

After my shift

How should I properly clean my delivery backpack after my shift?
Delivery backpacks should be cleaned as you normally would, meaning that they should be cleaned with water and soap after each shift.

Should I wash my work clothes more often now?
You should attend your shift in clean clothing as you normally would. Polo shirts should be washed at the end of your shift. Jackets and rain clothes should be washed once a week, or more frequently if necessary.


I have the Coronavirus and I am sick, will I still get paid?
If you’re sick please call in sick, you will get paid. Inform your courier coordinator via ticket: Profile > Contact form > Shift&shiftplanning > Availability.


I feel sick, what should I do?
Stay at home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention via phone and report your symptoms.

I have been infected with the Coronavirus, what should I do?
In case you are sick please call in sick, you will still get paid of course. Inform your courier coordinator via ticket: Profile > Contact form > Shift&shiftplanning > Availability.

My friend is sick and in quarantine, can I still come to work?
In case a friend or someone from your family is sick you should stay home as well. Advise your courier coordinator.

What should I do if I believe or was told that a restaurant’s staff has been infected with the Coronavirus?
Please reach out directly to your courier coordinator to get further instructions.

Where can I get tested?
In any medical center/hospital that the local authorities have established that will offer this service

Do I need to have a sick note from the doctor if I am not feeling well?

How should I hand in my sick note in order not to infect my co-workers?
You can call in sick via ticket: Profile > Contact form > Shift&shiftplanning > Availability.

Can I apply for leave?

Yes this is possible, however it should be done on time.

Customer contact

Do customers know about the new delivery policy?
Yes, they have been informed via press, newsletters, news websites and social media. We also placed a message on our website explaining the new policy. The customer will see this message before every order. In case the customer is unaware of the process, please maintain the advised 1.5 meters distance after ringing the bell and ask the customer to pick up the delivery from the backpack.

I don’t want to get in close contact with customers, what do I do?
We have implemented contactless delivery to lower the risk of infection. This process includes a distance of at least 1.5 metres between you and the customer.

Am I allowed to place the order in front of the customer’s door?
The order should be placed in your backpack in front of the door so that the customer can pick it up easily.

Should I still enter a big apartment building to deliver an order?
Yes. Please ring or knock at the apartment door and step away at least 1.5 metres to allow the customer to pick up the order.

Customers do not like the contactless delivery, how should I react?
Contactless delivery protects you and our customers. Please stick to the process. If a customer complains, ask them kindly to contact our Customer Service where their feedback is very appreciated.

What should I do when a customer doesn’t keep 1.5 metres of distance?
The contactless delivery process should protect you and the customer from infection. Please always try to follow the minimum distance of 1.5 metres. You can ask the customer to step back, then you can place the food in your backpack and step back until the customer has picked up the order.

What should I do when a customer wants to thank me by shaking my hand?
We are working on ways to provide cashless tips. The customer can also put the tip on the floor or on top of your bag. In any case, please keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres in mind.

What should I do when a customer wants to give me a tip, meaning that we need to touch hands?
Kindly remind the customer that due to the Coronavirus, touching hands isn’t a good idea. Politely ask the customer to place the tip on the ground and retrieve the tip once the customer closes the door.

What should I do when a customer touches my delivery backpack?

Once the customer closes the door, please retrieve your delivery backpack and disinfect your hands and backpack with antibacterial supplies.

Contact with other drivers

What should I do when other drivers don’t keep 1.5 metres of distance?
Kindly remind the other driver(s) that due to the Coronavirus, it’s important to keep plenty of distance from each other. We understand that you want to chat with your colleagues, but please only do so while standing 1.5 metres apart.

What should I do when another driver stands next to me in the restaurant?
Kindly remind the other driver(s) that due to the Coronavirus, it’s important to keep plenty of distance from each other.

What should I do when another driver is waiting right next to me on a bench while we’re waiting for our next orders?
Kindly remind the other driver(s) that due to the Coronavirus, it’s important to keep plenty of distance from each other. Sit at least 1.5 metres away from each another at all times.

What should I do when another driver wants to give me a hug/handshake when I see him/her at the start of my shift?

Kindly remind the other driver(s) that due to the Coronavirus, it’s important to keep plenty of distance from each other. Instead of a handshake or hug, you can do an air high-five, a thumbs up, or smile and wave!

Updated on August 4, 2023

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