
You have to drive the vehicle that is included in your employment contract.
If you need to change vehicle type you must first make the request via the “contact form” (under “Profile”) and wait for a positive response. For now the only vehicles you can use for delivery are: bikes / e-bikes and scooters / e-scooters.

If from the Scoober App you have been assigned a vehicle that is not the one you registered (I have a bike but I have been assigned a scooter) open a ticket on the “Contact form” by selecting the “Equipment” category.
*When you make the change request you must wait for the ok from your manager and have received the helmet suitable for the type of vehicle you are going to use.

If during the shift you have any problems with your vehicle (it broke and you cannot continue to work) you will be paid until the moment the vehicle is broken (ex: shift 12: 00-14:00, the bike breaks at 13:00, you will be paid from 12 to 13). If you have problems with your vehicle, contact the agent through the Scooper Chat describing the type of problem!

Updated on March 8, 2022

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